Friday, March 9, 2012

Employment Opportunity

Looking for a summer job?
NorthWoods is Hiring
Corps Staff Positions
  • Crew Leader
    Crew Leaders (20 and up) are responsible for the safe and effective coordination of conservation crews. Leaders facilitate the Corps' education component and manage the crew in the completion of conservation and community service projects.
  • Assistant Crew Leader
    Assistants (ages 18 and up) help facilitate learning and conservation projects and work closely with Crew Leaders to supervise crewmembers.
  • Junior Crew Leader                                                 Junior Crew Leaders have the opportunity to further develop their leadership skills and take responsibility for such things as tool maintenance and project documentation.                                                                                     
  • Senior Crewmember
    Senior Crewmembers work on the Corps’ Backcountry Crew and complete challenging projects while living in remote spike camps.
  • Crewmember                                                                               Crewmembers (ages 14-20) gain valuable work and team skills while completing priority conservation and community service projects. Crews are based at a number of different sites and may work on river, trail or wildlife projects. Backcountry Crewmembers live in a remote 'spike' camp while completing challenging trail projects.
Deadline for all applications is April 15th

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